Doing Business With Us

We buy goods and services from many businesses. We count on vendors for library materials, supplies, furniture, construction material, business services, IT equipment and software. By using competitive selection, we assure the best value for our customers.

Supplier Diversity

We maintain a policy and commitment to support small, certified minority-owned and certified women-owned businesses and to develop an advanced supplier diversity process that is fully integrated into our company culture. Read our 2020 Vision Plan Diversity and Inclusion Program overview.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Program represents our commitment to a process that provides opportunities for all. View reports that track the diversity of our 2020 Vision Plan contracts and workforce:​

Diversity & Inclusion Phase I Final Report

Diversity & Inclusion Phase II Report, August 2024

Already a Vendor?

Contact Procurement for:

  • RFPs and the bidding process
  • Purchase orders and current contracts

Contact Accounts Payable for:

  • Invoice status or vendor payments
    Phone: (614) 849-1032

For Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, please click here.

Would you like to be one of our vendors? Send us an email with information about your company.

Inquiries about 2020 Vision Plan Construction

For inquiries regarding Columbus Metropolitan Library’s bidding projects specific to 2020 Vision Plan Construction:

Andy Beitel, Procurement Manager – Central Ohio