Request Obituary

We provide access to the largest and most comprehensive collection of recent U.S. obituaries available online.

Order up to six free obituaries per month.

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  1. Search Columbus Dispatch Digital for obituaries from 1871 to the present.
  2. Can’t find what you need? Submit a request using the form below. Individuals may submit up to 6 obituary requests per month. Most obituary replies will be sent within 48 hours. Obituary requests are accepted but not processed on Sundays, major holidays, or Unexpected Closing days. Obituaries will be delivered by email or mail. Emailed obituaries are free and viewable with free software from Adobe.
  3. No email? Franklin County residents without access to email should visit any CML location or call (614) 645-2275 for information.
Your Name*
Please take a moment to double-check the email address you typed. If the email address is incorrect, you will NOT receive a confirmation of your request.
Name of Deceased Person*

Please supply the date of death. Please check the Columbus News Index to locate this information. If you do not know the date of death, give an approximate date and explain in the notes field. You may also email library staff at for research help.

Date of Obituary
Date of Death

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